AB, attack bonus, you hit the enemy thought i would chance, the higher the much more likely to hit the enemy, because base attack bonus plus other additional attack bonus attributes buy Neverwinter gold, weapons, expertise, etc.
BAB, base attack bonus for your base attack bonus, with each round depends on the volume of attacks can be determined by its occupation, once you have 6BAB, each round can attack twice, 11BAB can attack threefold, 16BAB can attack 4 times.
AC, defense rating, determine your odds of being hit enemy, the higher the harder hit your enemy, that is dodge.
There are several professional game may be the abbreviation of the term, understand what understand, you can ask the earlier players or find answers from google, yahoo answer.
Perfect World's classic fantasy game Neverwinter ongoing tension localization , while ensuring the continuation of the most extremely authentic Western Magic , in line with the mixture of aesthetic preference of Chinese players , game art material adjustment.
Neverwinter America's art style is magical history of Europe and The united states, the overall game depending on the player's preferences formed . Once the Neverwinter into China, we're going to adjust its art style Chinese players can accept Western magical style. Within the localization process, could keep an original style of the game , while adding Chinese players to receive a greater a higher level " Europe faces' role in the game allows players to have more cosmopolitan character. Based on the player's preference , characters figure , color, scene setting , the right adjustments are made .
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